Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance Meeting This Thursday, February 13

Local Grassroots Group Meeting This Thursday; Congressional Candidate Gary Gerrard to Speak

(Covington, GA – 11 February 2014) A local conservative grassroots group, the Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance (NCLA), is meeting this Thursday evening, February 13, at 7PM at Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church located at 55 Hwy 229 (corner of Hwy 278 and Hwy 229) for its monthly meeting.
The group is very excited to have Gary Gerrard, an attorney from Lexington, GA and a Republican candidate for U.S. House (10th district), as their featured speaker. Mr. Gerrard will be discussing what he sees as "a crisis like never before" in our country and his ideas and solutions for getting things fixed in Washington D.C. You can learn more about Mr. Gerrard at his webpage: www.gerrardforcongress.com.
Also speaking to the group will be Doug Kidd who is running as a Republican candidate for the Georgia Public Service Commission. One of Kidd's main priorities for the PSC would be "to push for stronger ethics rules for the commission." You can learn more about Mr. Kidd by visiting his webpage at: www.dougkidd.com.
There will be Q & A sessions with each speaker as well. 
Also on Thursday evening, the NCLA will be recognizing and honoring Rosalee Thompson, Director of the local Newton Community Food Pantry, for her service and commitment to the local community.
Finally, the group will spend some time discussing the current county budget situation and creating a citizen's committee to work on a proposal to be submitted to the Newton County Board of Commissioners detailing a plan to reduce the county's budget so that the millage rate can be lowered this year.

To learn more about the NCLA, please visit their Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/NewtonConservativeLibertyAlliance

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