We are meeting this Thursday evening, December 12, at 7PM at the Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church located at 55 Hwy 229 (corner of Hwy 278 and Hwy 229) for our monthly meeting. We're very excited to have Melvin J. Everson as our featured speaker. This meeting will also be our Christmas party.
Everson is a political activist who has held elected office in the
Georgia Legislature and the Snellville city council. He served for 23
years in the United States Army on both active and reserve duty and is
currently the Executive Director of the Georgia Commission on Equal
Opportunity. To learn more, please visit his bio at the GCEO website. Mr. Everson is known for giving inspirational, informative, and passionate speeches. You won't want to miss this one!
We will be
collecting toys and canned food items for the needy, so if you can,
please bring one
of those. Also, since this will also be our Christmas party, several of
us will be bringing some light food items and refreshments. Should be a
really great night. Hope to see you all there.