For Immediate Release:
Local Grassroots Group Meeting This Thursday; BOE Candidate Stan Edwards to Speak
(Covington, GA - 9 October 2013) A
local conservative grassroots group, the Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance, is meeting this Thursday evening, October 10, at 7PM,
at the Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church located at 55 Hwy 229 (corner of Hwy 278 and Hwy
229) for its monthly meeting. The group will be discussing recent
political happenings and ways to engage in the political process in
Covington and Newton Co. Stan Edwards, recently
announced Republican candidate for Board of Education District 1, will
be speaking to the group about his campaign and his vision for education
in Newton County. Also speaking to the group will be Washington D.C. policy analyst, blogger & politico, Jason Pye, who will be discussing the federal government shutdown. A social meet and greet will
begin at 6:30 with
the meeting set to start at 7PM . There will be a Q & A session with each speaker as well.
To learn more about Stan Edwards and his campaign, visit his campaign Facebook page at:
To learn more about Stan Edwards and his campaign, visit his campaign Facebook page at:
Founded in 2013, the Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance is a
grassroots group dedicated to America's founding principles of
freedom, liberty, lower taxes and constitutional governance.