Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance

For Immediate Release: 

Local Grassroots Group Meeting This Thursday; Covington City Councilman Smith to Speak

(Covington, GA - 10 September 2013) A local grassroots group, the Newton Conservative Liberty Alliance, is meeting this Thursday evening, September 12, at 6:30 at the Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church (corner of Hwy 278 and Hwy 229)  for its monthly meeting. The group will be discussing recent political happenings and ways to engage in the political process in Covington and Newton Co. Jason Pye, a local political blogger, will be discussing how to interact with elected officials and the best ways to utilize social media. Covington City Councilman Chris Smith will also be speaking about how citizens can take part in local politics.. A social meet and greet will begin at  6:30 with the meeting set to start at 7PM . There will be a Q & A session as well.

Founded earlier this year, the Newton Conservative Libery Alliance is a grassroots group dedicated to America's founding principles of freedom and liberty that believes in sound, constitutional governance that holds taxpayer dollars in the highest regard.
